Featured Alum-a-Lift

Non Marring Forkset Lift for Custom Die Fixtures



Ergonomic non marring forkset lift for custom die fixtures, class 1000 (ISO 6) cleanroom rating, adjustable limit switches, safety overload/obstacle encounter

Class 1000 (ISO 6) Cleanroom Rating, Adjustable Limit Switches, Safety Overload / Obstacle Encounter


135 lb [61 kg] components


This lift was engineered for a materials manufacturer that needed a safe solution for the installation of rectangular die fixtures for ceramics manufacturing. This Alum-a-Lift is also Class 1000 (ISO 6) cleanroom compatible and comes equipped with an obstacle encounter module that stops downward travel when in the correct install position. Adjustable limit switches and custom retaining “fingers” that captivate dies during handling, offers heightened customization while prioritizing safety.