Featured Alum-a-Lift

Pharmaceutical Freezer Shelf Tray Loading Lift



Ergonomic Pharmaceutical Freezer Shelf Tray Loading Lift, Powered pusher/puller with Force Limiter, Docking, rack system, stainless-steel,

Powered pusher/puller with Force Limiter, Docking, Rack System, Stainless-steel


110lb [50 kg] Trays


This Alum-a-Lift was designed for a pharmaceutical industry leader seeking a reliable solution to load and unload trays of organic biotherapy into a freezer. Beyond meeting stringent environmental and cleaning standards, this lift is a complete handling solution, supplying both the mounted freezer racks and the trays for product placement. Constructed with stainless steel, this application includes a powered pusher/puller for efficient loading and unloading. The inclusion of a docking station enhances alignment, and an overload system safeguards against potential tray obstructions, preventing damage to valuable products.