Featured Alum-a-Lift

Sanitary Wash Down Lift for Handling Totes



Custom Ergonomic Sanitary Wash Down Lift for Handling Totes

Fixed width fork set with retaining fingers, counter balance, sanitary 304 stainless steel construction, hose-down/wash-down (IP-65) rating


350 lb [159 kg] Stacks of Plastic Totes


The manufacture of insulin for a pharmaceutical company involves transporting bags of product inside plastic totes.  This counterbalance lift allows for a stack of totes to be handled off of a floor bound pallet.  The handling of a full stack of totes instead of a single tote eliminates double handling and saves time in the manufacturing process.  The lift is constructed entirely of stainless steel  and carriage an IP-65 rating for a daily sanitizing process which involves spraying the lift with highly caustic sporicides.