Featured Alum-a-Lift
Roll Handling Lift with Expanding Mandrel

Expanding Mandrel, 90 Degree Powered Rotation, Safe-to-Lift Indicator, Heavy Duty Casters
400 lb [181 kg] Rolls
Every Alum-a-Lift is customized to meet the specific needs of a business application. This roll handling lift utilizes a powered gripper and interchangeable rubber tips to lift and rotate heavy paper and plastic rolls often used for product packaging. Rolls arrive palletized and must be lifted and rotated for installation on a slitter, winder, form fill and seal, or other machine. The lift grips the rolls from the core with an expanding mandrel end-effector, engaging ø3” or ø6” cores with a powered, non-marring rubber gripper. The 90° front-to-back rotation is also powered. Safety features include a “safe-to-lift” light, indicating that the correct core gripping force has been achieved.