Featured Alum-a-Lift

Lift Dumper with Rotating Fixture for Handling Bins



35216 Lift Dumper with Rotating Fixture for Handling Bins

Powered Heavy Duty 360° Rotation Module, Captivating Fixture with Locking Pins


150 lb [68 kg] Bins


A factory automation company and systems integrator needed a portable, operator friendly lifting solution to handle bins being dumped into a feeder system. Ergonomic considerations were made for every aspect of this lift dumper to ensure it can be safe and easy to operate. Alum-a-Lift engineers ensured that operators could move the bins as needed while keeping the design comfortable and efficient by calculating the worst-case loading conditions to validate factors of safety, as well as the amount of force necessary to move the lift probable distances and powered motions for loads that are heavy or out of reach. Additionally, the fixture includes locking pins to secure the bin in place for safe handling and rotation.