Featured Alum-a-Lift
Diffusion Quartz Tube Clamp Lift
Interchangeable Clamp Pads with Safety Strap, Precision Powered Clamp, Extended Reach, Tilt Up/Obstacle Encounter, ISO 5 (Class 100) Cleanroom
100lb [45 kg] Quartz Tubes & Silicon Carbide Liners
Handling and cleaning quartzware is an important step in the Diffusion process for the Semiconductor industry. Quartz tubes and silicon carbide liners must be handled and placed into a parts cleaner according to a PM schedule. Quartzware is delicate and expensive to replace if damaged. A soft touch precision clamp ensures an accurate and repeatable force is placed on the quartzware to ensure a secure engagement. A detachable safety strap can be used as an added safety feature and the extended reach ensures an ergonomic placement into the washer.