Featured Alum-a-Lift
Silicon Crystal Ingot Clamp and Rotate Lifter

Dual Powered Clamp with Individual Clamp Force Logic, High Temperature Clamp Pads, Powered Trunion, Powered Lateral Shuttle, Traveling Limit Switch, Dual-Axis Inclinometer with Display, Steerable Powered Drive wheel with Fold-Up Handle
772 lb [350 kg] Silicon Crystal Ingots
Silicon wafer manufacturing starts with the production of pure silicon crystal ingots. These ingots are grown in furnace with a narrow draw tower to control the rate of cooling. This lift was designed to handle ø350mm crystals at 170°C and rotate them onto an inspection cart. During the growing process the ingot is supported by a small seed of silicon and requires precise vertical alignment of the clamps, therefore the dual-axis inclinometer was included.