Featured Alum-a-Lift
Stainless Steel Mixing Kettle Lid Lifting Equipment
Stainless Steel Construction, IP65 Washdown, Steerable Powered Drive, Adjustable Docking
550 lb [250 kg] Hopper Mixer Lids
Pharmaceutical processes often mix chemicals in large stainless steel hoppers. The mixing motor and essential controls are mounted to the removable lid, making it heavy — 550lb [250 kg] for this project. The lid is removed between batches, and the inside of the entire vessel cleaned. This lift docks to the base of the hopper to ensure that the alignment is correct and that the auger does not scratch the inside walls during lifting. Once docked, the powered drive system allows the lift to “tug” the full 1000lb [ 455 kg] assembly from the mixing station to the cleaning and sanitizing station.