Featured Alum-a-Lift

V-Trough Lift for Textile and Fabric Rolls



V-Trough Portable Ergonomic Lift for Textile and Fabric Rolls

V-trough with non-marring neoprene lining


350 lb [159 kg] textile rolls


Alum-a-Lift’s v-trough end-effector is a perfect match for loading long textile and fabric rolls on unwinding equipment that support the rolls using a through shaft. This lift’s rubber-lined trough was sized to match a specific range of roll lengths and diameters and keeps the core free and clear for removable mandrels or other material handling equipment, including single prong Alum-a-Lifts like Featured Lift 27488. This lift features four swiveling casters, and can roll or translate in any direction on the floor. This gives it the ability to navigate narrow aisles and unload rolls from cantilevered shafts.