Featured Alum-a-Lift

Plastic Tote Lifter with Rotation for Dumping



Custom Portable Ergonomic Lifter with Rotation for Dumping Plastic Totes

360⁰ Rotation Fork Set, Removable Funnel with Handle, Safety Overload Module


150 lb [68 kg] Totes


Dumping material into hoppers at height can create safety and ergonomic issues. This lift was made to transport and empty totes up to 150 lbs [68 kg] into hoppers that are inaccessible to employees. The split forks capture the lip of the totes to securely handle the tote and its contents. To ease the emptying of the contents, this lift also includes a removable aluminum funnel. The funnel slides into grooves of the forks for easy placement and removal. This system represents a turn-key solution that fits perfectly with existing processes and equipment.