Featured Alum-a-Lift

Stainless Steel Drum Lifter for Sanitary Wash Down



Stainless Steel Portable Ergonomic Drum Lifter for Sanitary Wash Down

Powered Clamp, Powered Trunion, Powered Drive, Stainless Steel Construction, Hose-Down/Wash-Down (IP-65) Rated


400 lb [180 kg] Drums and Barrels


Nearly any Alum-a-Lift design can be replicated in stainless steel construction for environments where corrosive cleansers are used. This unit includes a powered clamping end-effector and rotation module for rotate drums of powdered material, allowing operators to perform a scooping task at an ergonomic height. Used on a mezzanine with antislip plate flooring, this lift also includes soft rubber casters and a powered drive wheel.